The following General Conditions, Conditions of sale and Information processing policy regulate the use of the site, of which FABRIPUNTO S.A. with NIT 890.330.679-5 and address at Calle 1# T2-125 Parcelación La Dolores in Palmira – Valle del Cauca, is the owner.
Through, FABRIPIUNTO S.A. provides information about your products and commercializes. Clients and Users accept the terms and conditions contained in this document, to the extent that this may apply to them.
If a user is interested in receiving any item outside of Colombia, they must contact FABRIPUNTO S.A. directly. via email to , and
CONTACT: For any questions, queries or suggestions, Users can contact FABRIPUNTO S.A. through Instagram, Facebook and call or write to +57 312 8507402 and +57 315 776 3122
FABRIPUNTO S.A. informs the Client that the units available on the website correspond to the stock in the warehouse. Under no circumstances will FABRIPUNTO S.A. will intentionally put up for sale more units than it has available.
PRE-SALE: FABBRIPUNTO S.A. will explicitly inform when a pre-sale campaign is carried out and its dynamics where payment information, delivery dates and available units will be given.
FABRIPUNTO S.A., in cases that are difficult to control such as human errors or incidents in computer systems, where the quantity in available inventory differs from the order placed, FABRIPUNTO S.A. will inform the Client via email of the total or partial cancellation of their order, so that they can select new items for their order or if the Client requests a refund, this will be done in accordance with the provisions of “RETURNS”.
All product prices are in Colombian pesos and include VAT and other taxes that may apply. But they do not include the costs corresponding to the shipping of the products, which are detailed in “SHIPPING METHOD” and must be accepted by the Client.
The Client agrees to pay at the time the order is placed (the clothes plus shipping costs). These values will be previously shown to the Client before finalizing the purchase. Payments are made through PayU and are subject to its conditions and security protocols. Customers can use credit cards from the Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diners franchises, their debit card through PSE or pay in cash with Baloto or Efecty.
If the transaction is rejected, the Client may contact their bank directly to verify the cause of the rejection. If the payment is successful, the Client will receive an email, to the email registered in the purchase form. All transactions will be subject to verification of effective deposit into the bank account of FABRIPUNTO S.A. and additional verifications.
In the case of cash payments with Baloto or Efecty, the code to pay has an expiration of 24 hours, if the user does not make the payment within this period, it will be automatically canceled.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. reserves the right to validate relevant data through PayU, which demonstrates the correct identity of the cardholder in order to prevent impersonation or fraud. The order will not be sent until the information is verified.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. has a secure connection system to make payments for all purchases, but in no case will it be responsible for failures in communications from banking entities, nor for damages caused to Clients by said entities.
In case of suspicion or verification of improper use of the payment gateway including attempted fraud, hacking activities or attempted violation of security systems, FABRIPUNTO S.A. may initiate the corresponding legal actions.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. does not assume any responsibility when the user has not proceeded to notify the corresponding financial entities of the loss, misuse, theft or theft of the instruments or personal information provided by them to carry out transactions.
The Client must notify FABRIPUNTO S.A. any improper charge on the card used for purchases in the shortest possible time so that FABRIPUNTO S.A. can carry out the appropriate procedures.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. undertakes to deliver the product in perfect condition to the address indicated by the Customer in the shipping data form. In order to optimize delivery, FABRIPUNTO S.A. suggests the Customer indicate an address to which the order can be delivered within normal business hours.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. no será responsable por los errores causados en la entrega cuando la dirección de entrega introducida por el Cliente en el formulario de datos de envío no se ajuste a la realidad, o hayan sido omitidos algunos datos.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. make shipments using the services of ANY COURIER/MAILING COMPANY NATIONWIDE ACCORDING TO COVERAGE. The order placed will be delivered within a period that depends on the Customer's location.
The Customer must take into account that non-working days such as Saturdays, Sundays or holidays may slightly delay their order.
These deadlines are an estimate. Therefore, it is possible that they vary for logistical reasons or force majeure. In case of delays in deliveries, FABRIPUNTO S.A. will inform the Client as soon as it becomes aware of it.
If the transport company is going to deliver an order and the Customer is not there; They will try again up to two more times. (Generally on consecutive days). If something new is reported with the delivery, FABRIPUNTO S.A. communicates with the Client to resolve the issue. In the event that FABRIPUNTO S.A. cannot communicate, the order will be returned to our Distribution Center and the Customer must be responsible for the shipping costs.
Each delivery is considered made from the moment in which the transport company makes the product available to the Client, this is evidenced through the package tracking system used by the transport company.
If the reason why the delivery could not be made is the loss of the package, the transport company will initiate an investigation. In this case FABRIPUNTO S.A. will be in contact with the Client to make a new shipment or return.
The Customer must check the good condition of the package at the time of receiving it. If, once the product has been reviewed, the Client sees signs of having been opened or identifies any imperfections caused by transport, the Client undertakes to notify FABRIPUNTO S.A. in the shortest possible time within the next 48 hours from delivery. From that moment on, incidents of this type will not be attended to.
To request a change or return, if the purchase was made through the website or social networks, the Client must do so through our social networks WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook, by contacting the number +57 3128507402 and/or +57 3157763122 or by writing to, and anamariafabripunto2023@outlook.esIf the purchase was made at a retail outlet or chain store, the customer must go to the place where the purchase was made. In any case, the clothing must be new and in perfect condition, with all labels and tags attached, its original packaging and the corresponding purchase invoice.
Changes can be made within 30 calendar days from the date of purchase.
The changes DO NOT apply to WHITE AND/OR INNER garments but the quality guarantee does apply.
To make a change through the website, the Client must contact FABRIPUNTO S.A. to approve it.
For clothing corresponding to the SALE category:
-The Customer assumes in all cases all shipping costs. FABRIPUNTO S.A. will inform the customer of the address to which the product must be sent. The Customer can send it using the courier company of their choice.
For the clothes without discount:
-In its first change: FABRIPUNTO S.A. picks up the clothes at the Customer's address and assumes all shipping costs. From the second change to the same order, the Customer assumes all shipping costs.
If the Customer returns products under warranty, this will result in a refund through a voucher equal to the value of the returned products. Only in the case where the product delivered is defective or incorrect, FABRIPUNTO S.A. will refund the Customer the money and the corresponding shipping costs, otherwise there will be no refunds for the shipping cost.
Partial returns and order cancellations will result in partial refunds. FABRIPUNTO S.A. will accept order cancellations when requested prior to processing payment for the order. To cancel, the Client must contact FABRIPUNTO S.A.
The refund will be made to the Client's credit or debit bank account. The period is 30 business days.
If it is a credit card, it will depend on the card's cut-off dates and the times of the financial institution; this can take up to 2 months.
III. Guarantees
To make a guarantee effective, the Customer can send photos of the garment with problems to, and to evaluate the case, approve it, collect the defective clothing and send the new one. FABRIPUNTO S.A. assumes all shipping costs.
The warranty will lose its validity after 30 calendar days from the date of purchase, or in the event of defects or deterioration caused by external factors such as accidents, wear and tear from use and washing, or care not in accordance with the instructions given on the internal labels. of clothes.
Products modified or repaired by the Customer are excluded from the warranty and will not cover products damaged by improper use.
Make payments through the FABRIPUNTO S.A. website. It is safe because:
FABRIPUNTO S.A. It has maximum security measures. The process works on a secure server using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. The secure server establishes a connection that ensures that it is only intelligible to the Client's computer and that of the E-Commerce.
From, FABRIPUNTO S.A. It does not capture, store or transmit transactional data, since it has the payment gateway: PayU (Credit and Debit Card, Baloto and Efecty) certified with PCI; certified in high security standards that include, among others; encryption software, validation procedures and robust data protection measures.
Clients and Users are fully responsible for their conduct when accessing the information on the website while browsing it, as well as after having accessed it. As a consequence of the above, Clients and Users are solely responsible to FABRIPUNTO S.A. and third parties from the consequences that may arise from its use:
FABRIPUNTO S.A. reserves the right to update the contents when it sees fit, as well as to eliminate, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or definitively, as well as deny access to the website by Clients and Users who do wrong. use of the contents and/or breach any of the conditions that appear in this document.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. has all rights over the content, design, layout and source code of this website and, especially, over the photographs, images, logos, clothing designs, brands and trade names that are included on the website. These rights are protected by current legislation regarding intellectual property.
The total or partial reproduction of this website is expressly prohibited without the express written permission of FABRIPUNTO S.A..
Asimismo, queda totalmente prohibida la copia, reproducción, adaptación, modificación, distribución, comercialización, comunicación pública y/o cualquier otra acción que comporte una infracción de la normativa vigente en Colombia o en el resto del mundo en materia de propiedad intelectual y/o industrial si no es con la previa autorización expresa y por escrito de FABRIPUNTO S.A.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. informs that it does not grant any implicit license or authorization on intellectual and/or industrial property rights or on any other right or property related, directly or indirectly, to the contents included on its website.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. does not assume responsibility derived from the access of minors to the contents included in the website, it being the responsibility of their parents to exercise adequate control over the activity of the children or minors in their care or to install any of the use control tools. of the Internet in order to prevent access to materials or content not suitable for minors, as well as the sending of personal data without the prior authorization of their parents or guardians.
FABRIPUNTO S.A. will not be responsible in any case when: